What are the Incrustation, inlay, molding and painting in the world of real furniture...
These are excellent techniques for decorating which we use to make our furniture, so it is unique and beautiful in every way. This is partly thanks to our pieces of furniture that receive their own individual character and is even more majestic.
Our furniture due to their charm, are lovely, and contain ornaments of metal, gold, colored stones, or pearl. As a result, every piece of furniture that leaves our doors, becomes an undeniable work of art, of inestimable value. Values, which gradually increases even more.
Stylish antique furniture, so they are works of art, which not everyone can afford. But these works, they add even more charm to the room, and this in turn makes such a room luxurious. Just by luxurious furniture.
Inlay – is a decorative technique that consists in creating an image by teaching subjects of wooden surfaces (especially furniture) and other kinds of wood, sometimes colored. Inserts placed in a location removed from the surface of the subject. The technique of fragments already known in antiquity, developed during the Baroque and Renaissance. The oldest object is a sarcophagus with cedar from about 2000 BC
Examples of made incrustations:
Inlay - a technique of decorating items: appliances, furniture, works of art, etc., involving the lining of the properly cut surface plates of different materials such as ivory, metal, pearl, colored stones, gold, etc.
The plates are arranged in patterns of figural, plant or geometric ornaments such as belts. Most examples can be found in carved works in ancient Egypt (pharaohs) and Mesopotamia (e.g. Standard of Ur (Old Sumerian sculptures, called. Adorances). The most similar to this technique is the mosaic.
Examples of made inlays:
Casting - the technique of creating mold casting alloys, plaster, stone or solidifying mass of plastic materials (wax, gypsum), casting technique can produce objects of bronze, brass, sometimes of large sizes and complex shapes, but also light and delicate porcelain objects.
Casting of metal was known in antiquity, the oldest known is from Mesopotamia in the year four thousand BC. performed with this technique statues, vessels, objects of everyday use.
Art casting was the most developed in the Renaissance and Baroque (sculptures, grilles, railings, columns). In the nineteenth century it began to be mass-produced by casting plaster copies of famous ancient sculptures. In the twentieth century, cast iron was used as a decorative element of both, and was introduced to the architecture design.
Example of casting made:
Painting - a technique used to craft decorative arts (furniture and the manufacture of small objects). It involves covering the surface with paint decorated art equipment designs.
Example of paint made:
Gilding - arts and crafts involved in the overlap of the substrate metals, usually noble.
For gilding, not included techniques used in jewelery and metalwork, such as fire gilding or plating. Also nowadays gold spray is used to paint and liquid does not belong to the classical gilding.
Example of made gilding: